Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ron Paul's Farewell Speech
Perhaps one of the most enthralling speeches ever delivered on the floor before Congress was former Texas congressman Dr. Ron Paul's farewell address. The good doctor laid it all out for the world to see: America has drifted away from its roots in respecting freedom and upholding personal liberty, private property rights, and a free trade, no war foreign policy. Where are we headed now? Tyranny, folks.

This man spewed more truth out on the floor of Congress in under an hour than Obama had over the course of the last five years. From revealing the corruption of lobbying by special interest groups on Wall St. to unraveling the nature of our interventionist imperial foreign policy and the consequences of unjust, undeclared wars, Paul decidedly declared his independence from the horrible political machine that is Washington. The speech, typical of Paul's style and diction, was reverent of individual rights and personal freedom.

15 minutes and 20 seconds into the speech, the good doctor takes off the gloves, and asks his poor patients some very uncomfortable questions. "Why are sick people who use medical marijuana put in prison?" "Why can't Americans decide which kind of light bulbs they can buy?" "Why have we allowed the Federal government to regulate commodes in our homes?" All excellent questions, Dr. Paul. Unfortunately, the house had no answers.

Come back tomorrow for more on this wonderful speech!
Liberty Speaks

Hello everybody. My name is Nicholas Rundlett. I'm not an exceptional writer, a philosophical genius, or a wealthy business tycoon with money to toss at any problem. I find myself making mistakes almost every day in my life. I'm a tad bit clumsy, I'm always forgetting things, and I probably spend more time on the computer researching the nature of liberty and tyranny than I do partying, and doing keg stands, which is somewhat unusual for people my age. I do, however, possess one strong asset: a sharp mind. I've been lucky enough to evade the pervasive brainwashing and programming of the Hollywood media complex. I was raised properly and prefer non-genetically modified, organic, whole foods over the traditional modern American diet of processed, nutritionally barren trash. And lastly, I have been graced, not by my public schooling education, but by the internet, with the discovery of something that I find to be truly exciting: Liberty.

Liberty Speaks to all audiences. It is not restricted in its popularity by cultural boundaries, gender lines, racial groups, or individuals of any one specific sexual orientation. There aren't too many other things that all humans adore other than air, water, and well, intercourse. Liberty is required firstly to properly enjoy all other necessities of life. If one is restricted by the threat of force, fraud, or coercion that tyranny establishes before enjoying any of our core human needs, the quality of those needs are diminished significantly. Simply put: nobody likes to be messed with. Nobody wants their neighbor peering through their windows, or their government peering through their webcams. Nobody wants to defend themselves against a thief with a gun, whether or not the thief has an IRS badge in his wallet. However, everybody out there can appreciate individual freedom of choice - choice in the market, in the workplace, in the kitchen, in the , in the bedroom, or in what you put into your own body.

The purpose of me engaging in this sort of activism (if you can call it that) isn't for my own personal fulfillment or benefit. It's for yours. If you'll listen, you'll like what you hear when Liberty Speaks to you. You'll love the rush of self-empowerment, the peace of self-ownership, and the sense of mutual respect for all human beings that comes from learning libertarian principles. Starting today, I'm going to begin to discuss political issues, cover the historical basis of liberty and humanity's perpetual struggle to achieve it, and engage readers to critically think about their positions on key issues such as gun ownership, healthcare, war, and size of government. I want you to hear the message of liberty. I want you to excel in all things you engage in in your personal lives, influenced and guided by a fundamental understanding of moral principles based in libertarian thought. Unbuckle your seat belts and ride free with me, your tour guide to liberty.

Friday, August 2, 2013

I believe most fervently in liberty, the fundamental base on which American society stands today. In many ways, liberty protects us from the oldest enemy of humanity: tyranny. Liberty allows the individual to express oneself in any manner, whether or not it may differ with the taste and sensibility of others. It allows for open discussion and the unparalleled progression of intellectual and philosophical ideas, despite objections from long-standing tradition. It frees up the individual’s choice of religion, a tool used by tyrants to pit commoners against one another. Liberty grants privacy, protecting the personal lives of the people to the despair of the despots. In all ways, liberty protects the people from those few who seek to operate above the people.
Unfortunately, in many ways, my liberties are being stripped from me. As my government encroaches upon me in nearly every facet of my life, be it through my education, my travels, even on my home computer in the privacy of my house, it has become all-to-clear that the solution is to limit its scope. They operate not for my safety, but for my subservience; my obedience to them guarantees to them the power they desire. It is for this reason that I have taken up the cause of liberty. I wish for my children to grow in a free and prosperous society, not one dictated to by the smallest of minority with disregard to what I believe to be their god-given rights.
Without the fundamental understanding of what constitutes a free society, true champions of liberty such as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin would be regarded by many as “fanatical”, or “crazy”. I believe that the philosophy put into the founding of America and the constitution that these men had is, in a word, important. It is important to me, my family, and my neighbors, because without it, tyranny would reign supreme in America as it has in every civilization throughout history. I do not wish to see the work of our founders to go to waste, as I fear it soon will; America’s adoption of liberty was in the end, a grand social experiment. In its wake, we have experienced the greatest single boon of production, scientific development, and wealth generation the world has ever known.

This blog will serve to promote the cause of liberty. Each and every individual out there has the ability to communicate through the internet through a variety of outlets to a near-infinite spectrum of new faces out there waiting to hear a message. This is my attempt to start brush fires of liberty in the minds of men.